Does anyone know what to do if the conveyor belt goes astray during work?

Solve the problem of conveyor belt deviation, find the cause, adjust the tension, flatten the roller, and optimize the materials to ensure smooth production...


Conveyor belt deviation is a common and thorny problem during work. Once deviation occurs, it will not only affect production efficiency, but may also cause damage to the equipment. So, how should we deal with the conveyor belt deviation?

First, find the cause of the deviation. It may be caused by uneven tension of the conveyor belt, non-parallel roller installation, uneven material distribution, etc. For different reasons, we need to take corresponding measures.


For the problem of uneven tension, the tension of the conveyor belt can be balanced by adjusting the tensioning device. If the drum installation is not parallel, the position of the drum should be readjusted to ensure it is level. For uneven material distribution, it is necessary to optimize the material delivery method to ensure that the materials are evenly distributed on the conveyor belt.

In addition, regular inspection and maintenance of conveyor belts are also important measures to prevent deviation. Regularly checking the wear of the conveyor belt and promptly replacing seriously worn parts can reduce the risk of deviation.


In short, dealing with conveyor belt deviation requires comprehensive consideration of multiple factors. Only by finding the cause and taking correct measures can the smooth and efficient production process be ensured.

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